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United Kingdom's TLD

Nothing says ‘British’ more than a .uk domain name! The .uk umbrella of domain names includes the direct .uk,,, and more; what’s great about all of them is that they instantly highlight a UK website, giving greater value and focus to a UK audience.

Buy your today for just £6.99 / year.
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Some of the most popular International domain names

With the global economy developing at such a rapid pace, now is a fantastic time to expand your project into new International markets! With HostBible It's as easy as click, click, done! See More Domain Names

.com Domain Name
Just £9.99 /year

The most trusted & used Domain Name available today. Although many of us take the .com TLD for granted each day, did you know it's 36 years old?

Buy .com Domain Name
.net Domain Name
Just £13.99 /year

The .net Domain Name was designed primarily for & made popular by the internet, telecommunications, networking and email service providers.

Buy .net Domain Name
.cn Domain Name
Just £29.99 /year

China's .cn Domain has over 20 million active registrations. it's hard to ignore the fastest growing digital market. Having a local version of your site will really help you stand out!

Buy .cn Domain Name
.org Domain Name
Just £12.99 /year

Made for & popularised by the non profit organisations of the world, A .org Domain Name is a way to show your intentions to the world!

Buy .org Domain Name

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